Sunday, October 21, 2018

It's Happening

On Sunday, October 21, 2018, the New York Times published an article about how the GOP, led by their lord and savior Trump, are trying to eliminate legislate transgender people out of existence. This is something that I've written about before several times- both here in the blog and in my column at TG forum.

Headline, NYT Oct 21, 2018

The last time I discussed this, I was called an alarmist, and told that there was no way that anything like this would ever happen.  Well, it's happening.  The GOP are trying to legislate transgender people out of existence.  They're trying to say that, despite all of the scientific evidence to the contrary, gender is only a binary-that there are only two possibilities for chromosomes: XX and XY.  Never mind the over thirty other possible combinations .

History has shown us time and time again what happens next.  They are dehumanizing transgender people, and from there it's just a matter of time before they come for us.  Incarceration. Extermination.

OK, call me an alarmist again.  Well, guess what folks- I haven't been wrong yet on this topic.  Neither has Brynn Tannehill, and she's been saying the same things (except to a wider audience as she is published at Huffington Post and other places.)  Not that I'm jealous.  Meow.

Dear readers, I am Terrified.  I know they're coming. And if I get a gun, then I know I'll use it.  That is not a good thing.  Besides, I haven't held a gun (well, "my" gun- I've held other people's weapons) since I was 13.   I have been looking up prices for a Kay-bar knife to defend myself.  I have a sword- a very sharp Claymore- but that's no good in close quarters, and this apartment is close quarters.

I have posted about this article several times on facialbook. I have implored my cisgender friends to stand up- to help us; because without allies we are lost.   The estimate of the transgender population here in the United States is 1.4 million.  That's all. We are a distinct minority, and we could disappear in one fell swoop.

So what's next?

Well, the election is coming up in a couple of weeks. Obviously, many of us are going to go out and vote.  If we can.  If our vote is still counted.  After all, the Republicans have raised voter suppression to an art form.  They're doing everything they can to keep people from voting that they don't want to vote.   And their followers are cheering it on.

I've said many times that Republicans don't see transgender people as human.  Just like they don't see any non-white as people.  To them, we just don't count.  We are an inconvenience to be eliminated.   How do I know this?  Simple: I listen to with their politicians say, and I see what people say in the comments section after articles, such as the one in the New York Times. Or the article in USA Today which discusses the article in the New York Times. To them we are an "It."  A sickness.

Whenever I write something like this, I pray to God that I am wrong. I hope I am this time. But I haven't been yet.

If you care about civil rights in the United States- if you care about this country at all- and, on a personal level, if you care about any Transgender people, be it myself or perhaps a transgender person in your life, then for God's sake: get out and VOTE!  Get out and make your voice heard!

Vote the party of Trump OUT, up and down the ballot.

Please stand with us.  They are coming for us, and we need your help.


  1. You are absolutely right. This is pretty scary stuff. It could very well mess with many trans people's healthcare.

    Although President Dump has latitude in regulations and rulemaking, I am hoping that Democrats can cut him off with the purse strings somewhere.

    Yes, definitely vote. If you are in a state where Republicans have been engaging in voter suppression (ie dumping voter rolls, voter ID, exact match, etc.) call (866) OUR-VOTE for help to make sure your vote counts.

  2. Hey, Sophie, would love to hear from you about the election results.
