Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Point (Political)

I grew up in a tiny, dying, conservative town.  Most people there are 45 supporters.  

What I've noticed when engaging with 45 supporters, both online and in person, is that the Cruelty is the point.  They want REVENGE for what they see as "liberal dominance" and the erosion of white privilege, which they blame for (fill in the blank.).    What they love about 45 is that he is cruel.  

Toxic Masculinity writ large.

Last weekend, I went to a farmer's market neat Quakertown (SEPa), where there was an entire booth dedicated to 45 merchandise: "Red Zone."  On several flags, shirts, etc, read "Trump 2020: Finally a president with balls!", and on others "No more bullsh*t."  (A quick examination of five items showed that all were made in China...)
Ask a 45 supporter about that and you'll hear about "illegal immigrants" (brown people, not white), BLM (black people), and AntiFa (umm... so you SUPPORT fascism?).  45 will crack down on them all.  Ask about that, and I have, they'll get vague.  Kids in camps?  "Obama's fault."  Or "they shouldn't have come here."  But they're toddlers.  "Parents shouldn't have broken the law."  So they lose their kids forever (few are reunited) over a MISDEMEANOR?  (Doubt me?  I linked to the law there.)  
Some 45 supporters come out and say it- "kill them all."  They are a minority, yes, but that minority has 45's ear. (Steven Miller anyone?)  Then you see all the Black people being gunned down by armored police in the streets.

As a liberal transgender woman (intersectionality of three things 45 hates), me and mine are square in the sights of that hate.  

We live in Dark times, dear reader, but it's not like there isn't any precedent.  My country (USA) was founded upon Intolerance, Hate, and Genocide.

Intolerance: the puritans who settled in Massachusetts were SO right wing and intolerant that they were thrown out of every country in Europe.  They claim they came to the US for "religious freedom" (sound familiar?) which was just their code for their hate.  If not for the Wampanoag people, they would've died that first winter.  They thanked the Wampanoag by stealing their land and decimating their tribe.

Hate: Slavery.  The belief that white people are superior to black, so it's fine to enslave them.  I've heard so many white people blame the Africans for this, or Northerners, or (fill in the blank) for slavery that it's sickening.  Every confederate state mentioned white superiority and continuing slavery as the reason for leaving the union.  The South is the hotbed of 45's base.  Nuff said.

Genocide: The people indigenous to this country were massacred wholesale, either by disease, poverty, or by the US Army.   We'll never know how many died.  I've seen estimates reaching 114,000,000.

I've said many times that I don't expect to survive 45's reign.  He won't go quietly- and his cultists are fanatics willing to kill or die for him. 

These opinions are my own and do not represent any organization or whatever.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

What now? (School edition)

Yesterday I learned that my best chance for a Graduate Assistant position slipped away.  I didn't get the job.  I got the usual platitudes "tough decision" etc.  This was for the "Center for Sexual and Gender Equality" here on campus.  I applied, and was interviewed. 

They already knew me, as I volunteered for the place last year- many hours speaking, mentoring.  I'm good enough for that, but not for a job.

Was it because I'm too old?  Not "passing" enough?  Too fat?

Yesterday- no makeup

Those are the reasons I usually get when rejected for a job. 

I can hear you now.  "Stop whining!"  "Get moving!"  "Be positive!' 

I've said many times in my life (and on this blog): if you hit someone in the head with a baseball bat enough times, they WILL go down.

I'm looking for alternate ways of survival.  Hell, I'm too old and fat even for prostitution.

Hope your life is better than mine.