Monday, August 6, 2018

Had to Pull Over: Thoughts on Coming Home in early August

This is going to be kinda random and jumpy.  If anyone actually reads this.  Which they won't.

I'm back from New Orleans.  I had to pull over twice on the road home from the airport because I was sobbing so hard that I couldn't see.

I'm home.  Flat broke.  I had to beg my wife for money to borrow for my share of the rent.  I'm useless, worthless, and  have no future

The Darkness has me.  I feel useless, and the fact that I can't find a job makes me worthless.  I spent more money than I had helping people I will never meet, and who will never know what I did.  And, the trip being over, I have NOTHING to look forward to.


The New Orleans trip was the last thing I had planned.  Now, nothing.  September will be here soon- and I HATE September.  It's the month I lost my marriage (technically that was August 31 I think, but I'm not quibbling.)  It's the month I lost Lisa.  It's the month I was born, and I hate it most of all for that.

Me.  Now.  Typing this.

I don't tell people my feelings anymore.  I tell people this, they get angry and tell me it's my fault because I don't think positively.  One fact I've had burned into my soul: I can never tell people the Truth about how I feel.  Oh and it's my fault because I travelled, and put money into an account for my daughter.

I just want the depression to end.  I cannot remember a day without it- literally.

And if I say that, people threaten to have me hauled off to a hospital.  I have sworn I will never, ever go back to one of those.

Insomnia when I desperately want this day to end.

I don't think I'll be writing about the New Orleans trip. I think I'm done with writing.  No one is reading what I write, and it doesn't make me content anymore. Doesn't help.  Last thing Im posted still hasn't broken 100 views.  I used pull that in an hour.  No one gives a shit any more.  Why should I?  I still have my little writing books that I keep filling.  I suppose I should put them all in one box.  Then throw that box away.  Then those thoughts will be gone, unheard.  As they should be.

I volunteer to help others and lose lots of money in the process.  I'm done with volunteering. You want me to help- pay me.  This weekend, I debated a bunch of entitled kids who have been taught to hate and mock anything different.  But, I managed, with help, to get passed a trans-positive motion for my fraternity.  And the people who will benefit?  They'll never know about the 18 months of work several people put in on it, or the debate, or the insults I endured.  They wouldn't care if they did know.  I was invited to New Orleans by the fraternity.  I thought more costs would be covered.  And maybe I'll be reimbursed for some of the outlay.  Eventually.

I shouldn't care about that.  One person of facialbook wrote me: "Most people don't volunteer to help others expecting something in return. They do it from their heart and soul."  Well, so did I. Past tense. All its gotten me is a zero bank balance, PTSD, and wounds that can never heal.  

I did this for a fraternity which, when I was an undergrad, 95% of the brothers didn't want me around.  Many actively hated me.  But, I'd sworn an oath, and my word is all I have.

I used to believe that all the sadness and pain I endure would be balanced out by happiness and good in my life.  That there HAD to be balance.  When I was a teen, that kept me alive.  I now know that thought was absolutely wrong.  There is NO balance.  And if there is, my suffering is balanced by the happiness and ease of someone else's life.

I often think of myself as an old toy, neglected and forgotten when the child outgrows it.  I use that metaphor often in my journals.  An object which has no function but to bring happiness, fun, laughter and joy, sitting silent and still.  Do they long for the child to return and play with them?  (Kinda Toy Story, I know, but I think about it.)  I wrote about this on my old guy blog once.  

When I'm gone, my wife will probably put my dead name on my urn instead of my legal name.  An echo.  A memory.  And if it brings her comfort so be it.  I've hurt her enough.

Melatonin is finally kicking in.  Maybe I can fall asleep.  Maybe when I wake up tomorrow, the Darkness won't have me by the throat.  But I'll still be unemployed.  And worthless.


  1. I have been hugely absent from Blogging for some time now, not just writing but reading as well. I'm sorry that I came back to find you so low. I think I can begin to understand the loss, the loss of money, of family, of sense of self worth, I will not offer advise because I'm sure you will be getting plenty of that, I will simply offer you love and an enormous trans Atlantic hug.

  2. Sorry things are rough right now. I think people in the future will appreciate the motion you got passed.

    Since you have a car, can you drive for Lyft?

  3. Sophie: Hugs to you, dear. The thing is, people without depression can't understand the pull that sucks at every fiber of your being. You can't always say openly how bad it is because it does freak people out. My meds mostly work for me, but I know they don't for everyone. I don't the pain of being trans or your struggles, but I do know discrimination and hatred. You HAVE to take the higher ground. (Really hard), Finally, as a retired teacher I know that the good you have done matters even if nobody knows 50 years from now. You are brave(it is only the brave who really know fear and pain), Hugs again.

  4. I wish there was more that I could do. I appreciate all that you have done for me. I do hope that you will be compensated for all you have done for your fraternity. Hugs

  5. I'll second what Paula said about offering you a huge hug (from New England, in my case) and just mention again that we can work on your resume whenever you feel up to it. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere, hon. Sending you positive, peaceful thoughts. Be well, sweetie. xoxoxo


  6. I read your blog everyday. You make difference to and for me. I have no idea how to help with the depression; wish I did so I could help alleviate your pain. You made a difference in New Orleans for some wanna be future fraternity member!

  7. Hi sweetheart I would like to congratulation on be coming such a lovely beautiful lady. I hope to be as wonderful a lady as you are now.

  8. Hi. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. I hope that you will start to find things getting better for you.

    I think that life grief, each person's depression is unique to them. I don't know what you're going through, but I hope I can have empathy. I had a visit from the Black Dog a few years back. It took me time to get away ftom it, but it can be done. I believe that you will too.

    I read your blog even if i don't post a comment. Please keep on being you.

    L x
