Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Coming Attractions

Right now, I'm still working two jobs.  It seems I have a lot happening, but all in the future.  So I'll go over those things.

This Saturday, February 22, I will head to southern Delaware.  There my mum will meet her daughter for the first time.  I solicited advice on what to wear on Facialbook.  I received advice ranging from jeans and a simple top to a nice dress.  Thanks to everyone for caring enough to reply!

Should I wear this for that first meeting?  Too much?

We will be meeting for lunch, then going shopping at the outlets down there.  We will both be alone, as Wife still doesn't want to see me as Sophie, and my dad isn't ready either.  I don't blame them, but eventually if they wish to see me, then they will need to see Sophie.

Today I was going to come out to my head manager. The regional HR person came down from NYC, and we talked.

Ok, so as it turns out, they have guidelines and procedures for this. This is a good thing.  The point man for this sort of thing is the company's HRC liaison.  

The procedure is that I need to write a letter to store management, and have it vetted by the corporate legal team. The store management team gets the letter on March 10. I have elected to read the letter to them, so they can hear my voice, and I can see their reactions.

I'm still on target for Full Time as a woman on Tuesday, March 25. My first day at work as Sophie is March 31, 2014.

On March 25, I leave for Harrisburg for the Keystone Conference.  I will be giving a seminar at 9 AM on Thursday, March 27.  I will be doing a bit on Writing again, but it will be different from previous years.  If nothing else, it will be loud, and have plenty of bad puns.  Perhaps you'll join me there?

When I return to my life after Keystone, my male self will be a part of the past.  

Putting Things Behind Me

So it seems I have a Lot to which I can look forward.  And don't worry, I'll write about it all.  After all, it's what I do.

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, if you ever wanted to hear my voice, I made a series of YouTube videos.  You can see the first one HERE.


  1. Hi Sophie,

    Good luck on your transitioning on the job with your company. That is awesome! Very nice to read of this. : )

    If I might make a suggestion - have your own legal team look at your letter before the company's HR Team does, just in case. Perhaps the Transgender Law Center could help?

    Kick butt!


  2. good luck hope it all goes well for you
