Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Crisp Silence

I wrote this a couple of nights ago on facialbook.  I posted it in a few PSU alumni groups and received very warm responses.  I'm sharing it here so I don't "lose" it in time.


Last night. I was walking to a panel where I was speaking about LGBTQ, when something struck me. It was cold, and the cold gave the world a crisp silence. There were a few students walking here and there.

This is what I missed- and what as an alumni visiting on a weekend I couldn't see. The quiet beauty of the Nights here at Penn State. That feeling of being a part of something Timeless.

I took a picture. Then moved on, smiling.

Old Main, PSU.  The picture I took.


  1. Clarity of photo and thought. Nicely done, indeed.

  2. I saw the original when you posted it. I actually found this quite moving but had to think about why. I suspect that you have hit on belonging, being a part of, as opposed to being a visitor. The same as the difference between the experience of a resident and a tourist.
