Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Clog of Academia

 For the past few months, I've had writer's block.  More than a block- it's like a clog.  

Need me some academic Draino.  

My task is to write about anti-racism diversity trainings and relate them, if possible, to transgender trainings, y'know to reduce anti-transgender prejudice, which happens to be my dissertation topic.  What you thought I was writing about basket weaving or stamp collecting?  No, it's not about transgender osieric or philatelic tendencies.  (Look at me using the fancy words!  That's me book lernin'!)

As time has gone on, my fear of this particular piece has increased.  Anti-racism work is everyone's concern- I truly believe that, but I'm no expert on the topic, despite classes and papers.  Yes, I've felt the sting of prejudice and unreasoning hatred, but nothing like that experienced by people of color.  I don't feel adequately qualified to discuss the topic.  

I've been working on the piece little by little.  I started with an outline, and add a sentence of two daily, or double check a reference.  I actually fear working on it.  I guess I'm really screwed up.


In any case, I'll finish the damn thing sooner rather than later.  Today's NYT published an article on the subject that says clearly what I've been trying to write.  So, new reference and summary and then get it to my advisor.  If I get up the guts to brave that log jam and hopefully the flood that will follow.  

Be well.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for facing up to it. These things are never easy but we all need to face up to the implications of hate, whether we are the direct victims or not. (ultimately we are all victims as all of society is degraded)
