Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Rice The Other Night

I wrote this the other night.


It's 00:22. I'm am dripping sweat and in tears. I had a little drink to finish a bottle of Jack, so I could repurpose it. To that effect, I put it (and an empty wine bottle) in the kitchen sink with a little soap and turned on the water, thinking I'd let them soak overnight. Fell asleep watching a documentary.

Woke up 20 min later to the sound of flowing water. The sink overflowed like crazy. I turned off the water. I emptied the drawers and cupboards. Scrubbed and dried them, including under the bottom drawer. Casualties: box of cereal, box of mashed potato flakes, box of rice. Those I put on the counter until I finished cleaning and mopping up the water.

At this point I'm exhausted, and sweating profusely. You see, I was running the dishwasher, so it was hot in there. I took off my tank top, and picked up the cereal box, trashed it; potatoes, trashed it; rice... the box fell apart in my hands.

Rice everywhere.

Rice anybody?

I burst into tears. Took a pic, then started cleaning.

With all the rice, etc, the trash can was full, so I pulled the bag, tied it, and opened the door to put it outside. Not even thinking that "hey stupid-You're topless!" Normally that wouldn't be a problem after midnight, but I opened the door Just as a police cruiser drove by. I dropped the bag and quickly closed the door.

I then put on my sweaty tank top, and took the bag to the dumpster.

So, the kitchen drawers and counter are spotless. The floor is swept and mopped, though there may be a stray kernel of rice here and there. I'm sitting on the couch, after cleaning for over an hour. I feel so f#*;king stupid and weak, and I can't stop crying.


I was ok the following morning after a few hours of sleep.  Days later, despite multiple sweepings, we're still stepping on rice.

Days later, I can laugh at it.  If I could laugh.  In any case, it's a rice story.

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