Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Dead Dancing

On Sunday, April 8, I attended a benefit concert at Ardmore Music Hall.  Glenn Fest 2018 was a benefit.

The bands are all donating their time to this great cause. The cost is only $5.00 to cover expenses add to a scholarship to help young, aspiring, local, original bands/musicians have a chance to make it. We believe that Glenn would really dig this! (from facialbook)

Going to the show

I never met Glenn Abrams.  However, someone whose opinion matters to me loved this guy.  And the fact that SO many people were there was testament to how Good this person was.  Also, there were bands.  Live music.  I haven't had enough live music in my life in years.

I met many people there (sorry I'm horrible with names.)  One of them was a guy from Belarus who barely spoke English.  He had long hair and a goatee, and seemed nice enough.  I'm told he was a sniper in the Russian military.

Paul Shannon

There were four bands: Paul Shannon, The Grizz Band, Walking Dead, Sammy Vile and Vilebred.  Paul Shannon played an acoustic thing, then Grizz Band came on.  They are a local band who Glenn loved.  They were a fun combination of covers and originals.  The guitar player had some fun guitar faces.  :)

Grizz Band

Then came on Walking Dead.  They are a Grateful Dead cover band, and who I came to see.

I've mentioned several time in the blog and on facialbook that I'm a MAJOR Deadhead.  I went to many shows, but none since Jerry Garcia died in 1995.  I got into the Dead when I was at PSU, and I remember going to see a cover band called "Crazy Daze" many times.

Walking Dead

I used to dance a little at these shows, but, as a "guy" I felt I couldn't REALLY dance.  Guys didn't dance.  I would shuffle and maybe wave a little.  Some guys CAN dance, and dance well.  I've never been one of them.  I always felt that if I danced how I wanted, people would see my hidden female side, and that simply could NOT happen.

And so, I rarely danced.  (Unless I was really drunk.)

And now, here I was at a show with a Dead cover band for the first time as a woman.

Did that make a difference?  Well, yes- otherwise I wouldn't be writing about it!  First off, I wore a dress with a skirt that had some "sway" to it.  I have some "hippie" skirts, but they are heavy, and don't have the movement I wanted.

Accordion Skirt Dress

So I wore a swaying skirt dress, and made it to the Ardmore Music Hall.  There I met my friend Elayne and her crew.  Paul Shannon was up first, and he was quite good.  Then the Grizz Band, who were wonderful.  I didn't dance to either of their music.

Then came Walking Dead.  I danced near my table a bit- but like I never danced before.

I felt Free.

I could dance the way I felt.  I felt the skirt flowing around my legs as I swayed my hips.  I let my arms reach up and hands do what the music desired.  I felt completely as one with the music in a way I never had.  I could express who I Really am, and how the music made me feel.

I could dance like the woman I was born to be.

The music was wonderful!  The band played mostly Grateful Dead songs, but also played some other groups.  By the end, I was in front of the stage with many others.

I was totally at ease and not self-conscious.  I allowed myself to bare my soul.

And I danced.


  1. Dance your dreams - its the only way Sophie.

  2. So much changes when we transition, I have found my taste in coffee and wine has changed, I am definitely a different musician, and am an all round nicer person. I always felt very constrained especially when it came to dancing, so I was interested to find out if I still felt the same after transition, I did! I may now obviously be a woman, but I am still English!
