Saturday, October 12, 2024

Thoughts on Coming Out Day

I posted the following on facialbook yesterday.  Figured I'd repost it here as well.  Y'know for reasons.


If you didn't know, today is National Coming Out Day.  

Many of my friends have posted very touching and thoughtful reflections on what this day means to them.  Like Donna Rose, Mary Almy, Cheryl Katon, and so many others.  I won't even try to equal their amazing stories.  

Coming out is so personal.  It's a process with so many moving parts.  The secret no one tells you is that the process never ends.  Even if a person is "stealth", eventually they come out to everyone who matters over the years.

The hardest part is coming out to yourself- admitting a Truth you may have tried to hide from, or for which you've been searching.  Coming out to yourself never ends either.  You're always learning what your Truth means- to yourself, to those you care about, and what it means to be part of a community new to you.  What does it mean to be who you are?  What does it mean when you don't have to hide any more, especially from yourself?  How does it feel to be relieved of that secret?

Not everyone who wants to can come out, for whatever reasons.  Many don't want to sacrifice the lives they've built.  Some fear the consequences and repercussions that can occur.  These are legitimate fears.  Coming out means creating a new life for yourself.

Not everyone survives the process.

But today, we celebrate those who have come out before, that continue to live their Truth, and those who have yet to come out (or cant.)

Be well.

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